Steps to Study Abroad
1. Talk to Your Parents
Let your parents or guardians know you're considering studying abroad. They usually have academic, social, financial and security questions! Your parents may contact the Grant Center directly with their questions and concerns. Reach Jason Greenwich, Director of International Education, at or (870) 245-5266.
2. Attend International Awareness Chapel
Each year, Ouachita holds a chapel service featuring the many international opportunities available through the university. This service is typically held on the second Tuesday in September at 10 a.m. in Jones Performing Arts Center. Be sure to attend to hear from students and faculty who have spent time overseas.
3. Attend an Interest Meeting
The Grant Center will hold open interest meetings the week following International Awareness Chapel. The meetings are typically held at 4 p.m. in the Grant Center (Lile Hall, Suite 100). Join us to learn more about the study abroad experience.
4. Consider Finances
See Price Sheet with estimated costs for each of our study abroad options. Contact Student Financial Services to confirm aid availability.
5. Think About Academics
Talk to your advisor and your dean to make sure the courses you plan to take abroad will transfer back to Ouachita and work for your degree plan. Planning ahead to take primarily electives while studying abroad is helpful but not always necessary. Check each study abroad site to determine which may be the best fit for your degree program or academic interests.
Online classes and study abroad: Students are not automatically permitted, nor are they encouraged, to take online classes while studying abroad. We believe that students are best served by concentrating on their studies at their host institution. In exceptional circumstances, students may apply for an exception to this policy through their academic dean prior to departure.
6. Think About the Social Aspect
Are you ready to be independent, to think for yourself and take personal responsibility for your actions? You will have deadlines to meet and will have to deal with language and cultural challenges. Are these things you are prepared to handle?
7. Stop and Consider the Commitment
Are you sure you're ready to apply? Do not apply unless you have carefully thought through the above issues and are committed to go. There is a $200 non-refundable fee to apply to study abroad.
8. Apply Online
Apply to study abroad through your web portal (
Example of Study Abroad Application. Look under Information > Academic Affairs > Study Abroad. The link is only available each fall after International Awareness Chapel in September and again in March.
For the application, you must also submit faculty recommendations and a $200 application fee, which can be paid online. Your application will not be processed until the fee is paid.
After your application has been submitted, it will be reviewed by a committee for approval, and you will be notified of your acceptance or denial.
Deadlines to Apply to Study Abroad
To study in the spring, the application deadline is October 1.
To study in the summer or fall, the application deadline is March 1.
9. Next Steps
Once you are accepted to study abroad, you will need to take additional steps to prepare for your experience. These steps will be unique to the program in which you enroll, although all Ouachita students traveling abroad are required to complete security training. Learn more about the next steps to studying abroad.
If you have any unanswered questions, please feel free to set up an appointment with Jason Greenwich, Director of International Education, by contacting him at or (870) 245-5266.