Dr. Ian Aipperspach, Lecturer of Music at Ouachita Baptist University, holds A.A. degrees in Music and
History from Del Mar College, Bachelor degrees in Organ and Music Ministries from
John Brown University, an MM with concentrations in Organ and Conducting from Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph. D. in Fine Arts in Choral Conducting with
a secondary area in Musicology from Texas Tech University.
Professional and educational engagements have allowed him to serve as a music director
for a number of musicals; serve as Artistic Director for the Carlsbad (NM) Community
Chorale; and Chorale Director for the Midland-Odessa (TX) Symphony & Chorale. Dr.
Aipperspach has served a wide variety of churches in various capacities, currently
serving as Organist and Handbell Director at First Presbyterian Church in Hot Springs,
As a collaborative artist, performer, and conductor, he has performed across the United
States, Australia, Northern Ireland, and Italy where he serves as a Collaborative
Pianist and Chorus Master for Music in the Marche and was a featured conductor with
the Bassi Brugnatelli Symposium.
Dr. Aipperspach’s research area focuses on the music of the Moravian Church in the
19th Century where he works with the Moravian Music Foundation to promote and preserve
its musical heritage. He is published through the Moravian Music Foundation Star Anthem
Series and the American Choral Directors Association.
Fun Facts
What do you like most about your field?
I love that all of us are learning something new in music. No matter how much we have
studied a score, we're always finding a new nugget to share with those around us.
What is your go-to song, artist or snack?
I love desserts (both to make and eat) of any kind along with a nice refreshing Dr.
Pepper (insert sponsorship here) or a Cappuccino! I especially love Renaissance and
Baroque music, so students might hear me rocking out to an epic Tallis or Bach work!
If you were anything other than a professor, what would you be and why?
I would be in Sports Broadcasting. Put me in Ouachita Sports Network! I love sports
and visiting events when I can. I have attended 15 past and present Major League Baseball
ballparks and seven Minor League ballparks plus the Melbourne Cricket Ground to see
a few Australian Rules football matches.
What would you want a prospective student to know about your program or your administrative
We are a family first and foremost. We will help you on your musical journey and will
set you up for success whether it be vocal, instrumental or in music theatre. We all
love what we do and pass on the joy to you! We're for you!
Areas of Expertise
- Choral Music
- Music Theatre
- Organ
- Moravian Music
- Sacred Music
Featured Publications:
- “Make a Joyful Noise” (Jubilate) by Ernst Immanuel Erbe (1854-1927), edited by Ian
Aipperspach, Moravian Star Anthem Series (MMFS1802), Moravian Music Foundation, Winter
2022. To order: sales@moravianmusic.org
- “Unto Us A Child is Born” (Christmas Anthem) by Ernst Immanuel Erbe (1854-1927), edited
by Ian Aipperspach, Moravian Star Anthem Series (MMFS2102), Moravian Music Foundation,
Fall 2021. To order: sales@moravianmusic.org
- "Lamb of God" (Agnus Dei) by Ernst Immanuel Erbe, edited by Ian Aipperspach, Moravian
Star Anthem Series (MMFS1703), Moravian Music Foundation, Published 2017. To order:
View available materials
- I'm a Certified Skywarn Weather Watcher
- American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
- American Guild of Organists (AGO)
- College Music Society
- Golden Key International Honor Society
- Handbell Musicians of America
- Phi Theta Kappa
- Pi Kappa Lambda
- Texas Choral Directors Association (TCDA)
- Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA)
- Marshall (TX) Kids Community Theater, 2022-present
- Board Member, Marshall (TX) Symphony, 2020-2022 (Projects Committee Co-Chair, 2021-2022)
Board Member, Lubbock Chorale, 2014-2017
- Hallelujah for the Cure, 2011-2013
- Wreaths Across America, 2016-present