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Student Information: Due to privacy issues, we do not publish a public directory of student information.

Phone Numbers: Unless noted, all phone numbers are 870 area code.
Mailing Address: The mailing address for offices is 410 Ouachita Street, OBU Box XXXX (4-digit box number), Arkadelphia, AR 71998

Name Position Unit Office OBU Box Phone Email
NEWTON, BILL Adjunct Christian Ministries BPBB127 3787 870-245-5599870-245-5599 newtonb@obu.edu
LOGAN, SYDNEY Admissions Counselor Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-4269870-245-4269 logans@obu.edu
SEALS, CRAIG Adjunct Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-5599870-245-5599 sealsc@obu.edu
ROTHWELL, JIM Asst. Prof. of Accounting/Asst. Dean-School of Bus. School of Business HH 104A 3765 870-245-5205870-245-5205 rothwellj@obu.edu
DEWITT, TERRY Professor; Dir. - Grad. Studies in Kinesiology Kinesiology SPEC402 3791 870-245-5264870-245-5264 dewittt@obu.edu
LAWSON, FELLEY Communications and Marketing Manager Communications & Marketing LH 325 3761 870-245-5206870-245-5206 lawsonf@obu.edu
HARDMAN, NANCY J. Linn Prof. of Communication Sciences & Pre-Med Studies Communication Disorders MP 113 3763 870-245-5540870-245-5540 hardmann@obu.edu
JONES, DEVIN Recruitment Commuications Coordinator Communications & Marketing CB 349 3779 870-245-4268870-245-4268 jonesd@obu.edu
JOHNSON, WILL Web Developer Communications & Marketing LH 326 3660 870-245-5246870-245-5246 johnsonw@obu.edu
BROWN, ERICA Director of Talent Search & Associate Director of TRIO TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5249870-245-5249 browne@obu.edu
DIXON, DANA Assistant Professor of Accounting School of Business HH 313 3765 870-245-5203870-245-5203 dixond@obu.edu
HARRELL, TIM Dean of Students & Director of Residence Life Student Development ESC 220 3758 870-245-5225870-245-5225 harrellt@obu.edu
SMITH, KRISTI A. Associate Professor, Circulation and Reference Librarian Library RHL 3742 870-245-5119870-245-5119 smithk@obu.edu
NEAL, CHRISTA Title IX Coordinator/Program Advisor-Comm. & Family Ser. Title IX BPBB131 3787 870-245-4896870-245-4896 nealc@obu.edu
GUERRERO, MARC Athletic Assistant Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5305870-245-5305 guerrerom@obu.edu
MCGOUGH, CRIS Assistant Registrar & Assistant Cheer Coach Registrar's Office CB 220 3757 870-245-5415870-245-5415 mcgoughc@obu.edu
PORCHIA, NICOLE Vice President for Student Development Student Development ESC 220 3758 870-245-5234870-245-5234 porchian@obu.edu
CAROZZA, ASHLEY Graphic Design Manager Communications & Marketing LH 336 3761 870-245-5212870-245-5212 carozzaa@obu.edu
MCGLONE, LEE Adjunct - Communications Department of Communications LH 222 3759 870-245-5522870-245-5522 mcglonel@obu.edu
COLLIER, AARON Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 colliera@obu.edu
KOONCE, DEVON Resident Director - Tollett Hall Student Development Tollett 3689 870-245-5220870-245-5220 koonced@obu.edu
WALLACE, WILL Admissions Counselor Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-5340870-245-5340 wallacew@obu.edu
HENLEY, KELDON VP for Institutional Advancement & Chief of Staff President's Office CB 300 3753 870-245-5405870-245-5405 henleyk@obu.edu
DOUGLASS, ANGELA Associate Professor of Physics Physics JSC 315 3764 870-245-5532870-245-5532 douglassa@obu.edu
BRECH, DETRI Charles & Elma Grey Goodwin Holt Prof-Diet & Pre-Med St Dietetics JSC 412 3769 870-245-5543870-245-5543 brechd@obu.edu
TURNER, DAN Adjunct Political Science MCC 200 3781 870-245-5168870-245-5168 turnerd@obu.edu
KIZZIA, ALLISON Director Student Life ESC 3793 870-245-5549870-245-5549 kizziaa@obu.edu
SEATON, HANNAH Discipleship Coordinator Campus Ministries ESC 303 3783 870-245-5060870-245-5060 seatonh@obu.edu
MCCLANAHAN, STEVEN Service Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 mcclanahans@obu.edu
BARNES, MICHAEL Director Multicultural Student Programs LH 107 3777 870-245-5173870-245-5173 barnesm@obu.edu
WESTMORELAND, ANDREW Adjunct Instructor School of Business HH104B 3765 870-245-5250870-245-5250 westmorela@obu.edu
POWELL, RJ Athletic Assistant Football ACFH 3768 870-245-4154870-245-4154 powellr@obu.edu
TOLBERT, JASON Vice President for Finance Administrative Services CB 310 3772 870-245-5409870-245-5409 tolbertj@obu.edu
WRIGHT, KEVIN Head Coach - Women's Soccer Soccer WFH 3666 870-245-5187870-245-5187 wrightk@obu.edu
MEEKS, CHAD Adjunct Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-5599870-245-5599 meeksc@obu.edu
TOLLETT, LIZANN Registrar Registrar's Office CB 210 3757 870-245-5581870-245-5581 tollettl@obu.edu
STAFFORD, PEYTON Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5314870-245-5314 staffordp@obu.edu
FUNDERBURK, BLAINE Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 funderburk@obu.edu
SHOEMAKE, JAKE Head Coach - Men's Tennis Tennis SPEC301 3685 shoemakej@obu.edu
LOWRY, JAN Registrar Office Manager and Admissions Assistant Registrar's Office CB 210 3757 870-245-5580870-245-5580 lowryj@obu.edu
BRADSHAW, JOE Burch Professor of Chemistry & Pre-Med Studies Chemistry JSC 215 3726 870-245-5218870-245-5218 bradshawj@obu.edu
FILES, JIM Associate Professor of Accounting School of Business HH 303 3746 870-245-5202870-245-5202 filesj@obu.edu
MATOCHA, JEFF Associate Professor of Math & Computer Science Math/Computer Science JSC 322 3647 870-245-5329870-245-5329 matochaj@obu.edu
HOUSE, SYLESHIA Administrative Assistant Development CB 340 3754 870-245-5169870-245-5169 houses@obu.edu
MATROS, BRANT Director of Annual Giving Development CB 340 3754 870-245-4273870-245-4273 matrosb@obu.edu
HICKS, BETHANY R. Voyt Hill Professor of History History LH 304 3750 870-245-5548870-245-5548 hicksb@obu.edu
WHEAT, ADAM Director Career & Calling CB 111 3780 870-245-4267870-245-4267 wheata@obu.edu
JONES, PATTY Student Accounts Student Financial Services CB 130 3774 870-245-5587870-245-5587 jonesp@obu.edu
MOTLEY, AUSTIN Assistant Professor (Low Brass) Division of Music MFA 301 3668 870-245-4192870-245-4192 motleya@obu.edu
CARTER, CAROL Assistant Professor Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-5354870-245-5354 carterc@obu.edu
HARDMAN, CHRIS Adjunct Physics JSC 315 3764 870-245-5532870-245-5532 hardmanc@obu.edu
FLOWERS, JAMES XO, APMS ROTC SPEC303 3654 870-230-5807870-230-5807 flowersj@obu.edu
GRAVES, DESTINY Assistant Director- Upward Bound TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5082870-245-5082 gravesd@obu.edu
BRYANT, DESTINY Service Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 bryantd@obu.edu
MCINTOSH, TAVARUS Student Relations Coordinator, Upward Bound TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5424870-245-5424 mcintosht@obu.edu
COGGINS, KATIE Assistant Professor of Kinesiology Kinesiology 3791 870-245-5188870-245-5188 cogginsk@obu.edu
BURSON, BEAU Athletic Assistant Baseball ACFH 3635 870-245-4255870-245-4255 bursonb@obu.edu
CHUMBLEY, KOURTNEY Head Coach - Women's Tennis Tennis SPEC301 3641 870-245-5183870-245-5183 chumbleyk@obu.edu
HILL, KILEY Head Coach Women's Basketball SPEC 3691 870-245-5294870-245-5294 hillk@obu.edu
RAMSEY, BRIAN Assistant Athletic Director for Communications Athletic Communications SPEC302 3788 870-07237195870-07237195 ramseyb@obu.edu
YEARBY, KEVIN Instructional Media/Hardware Technician IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-5388870-245-5388 yearbyk@obu.edu
ESCALANTE, STAN Counselor Counseling Services 5220 870-245-5220870-245-5220 escalantes@obu.edu
STEWART, GABE Lecturer Psychology MCC 200 3781 870-245-5168870-245-5168 stewartg@obu.edu
PATTERSON, SARA Research Assistant Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-4899870-245-4899 pattersa@obu.edu
MCFARLAND, JOSH Programmer IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-5568870-245-5568 mcfarlandj@obu.edu
LAMBETH, ANNA Lecturer in Spanish Language & Literature LH 203 3682 870-245-5554870-245-5554 lambetha@obu.edu
KNIGHT, TRACEY E. Executive Assistant to the President President's Office CB 300 3753 870-245-5401870-245-5401 knightte@obu.edu
CRANGLE, GWEN A. Office Manager Facilities Management PP 3775 870-245-5189870-245-5189 crangleg@obu.edu
ANDERSON, SCOTT Instructor of Cybersecurity Math/Computer Science 3716 870-245-5330870-245-5330 andersons@obu.edu
FRANCIS, DEBBIE Sam Walton Fellow & Lecturer in Business Administration School of Business HH 201 3717 870-245-5261870-245-5261 francisdj@obu.edu
STEELE, KATHRYN Psychology MCC200 3781 steelek@obu.edu
HERRINGTON, KEVIN Chief Information Officer IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-5567870-245-5567 herringtonk@obu.edu
SMEAD, MICHELLE Assistant Director of Residence Life Student Development ESC 220 3758 870-245-5214870-245-5214 smeadm@obu.edu
GREENWICH, JASON Director-Grant Center for International Education International Education LH 104 3777 870-245-5266870-245-5266 greenwichj@obu.edu
SIMMONS, ASHLEY Assistant Professor Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-5436870-245-5436 simmonsa@obu.edu
THORNTON, LEVIN Assistant Coach Men's Basketball SPEC306 3651 870-245-5339870-245-5339 thorntonl@obu.edu
WILLIAMS, ERIN Grad Assistant Athletic Performance SPEC williamse@obu.edu
HAMILTON, SHARON Associate Professor & E. A. Provine Chair of Chemistry Chemistry JSC 217 3731 870-245-5092870-245-5092 hamiltons@obu.edu
JONES, NATALIE Counselor Counseling Services 3646 jonesn@obu.edu
PRITCHARD, DAWSON Instructor; Coaching Assistant Swimming SPEC301 3741 870-245-4262870-245-4262 pritchardd@obu.edu
HOWARD, LUKE Head Coach Baseball ACFH 3635 870-245-5278870-245-5278 howardl@obu.edu
MORRIS, AMY Director of Nursing Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-5384870-245-5384 morrisa@obu.edu
ALMAND, ANDY Associate Professor of Accounting & Analytics School of Business HH 309 3765 870-245-5251870-245-5251 almanda@obu.edu
MORTENSON, CHRIS Professor of History History LH 301 3695 870-245-5544870-245-5544 mortensonc@obu.edu
SCHOFER, JOHN Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 schoferjg@obu.edu
SLATON, JENNY Adjunct Instructor Education MCC311 3789 870-245-5154870-245-5154 slatonj@obu.edu
ESPY, FRANK Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5305870-245-5305 espyf@obu.edu
BATES, NAOMI Fine Arts Administrator Division of Music JPAC 3767 870-245-5569870-245-5569 batesn@obu.edu
RICHARDS, JAMES Financial Aid Counselor Student Financial Services CB 130 3774 870-245-5584870-245-5584 richardsj@obu.edu
MOLINARI, KYOUNGHWA Accompanist Division of Music MFA 311 3771 870-245-5102870-245-5102 molinarik@obu.edu
REED, DOUGLAS Moody Prof. of Pol. Science / Assoc. VP Academic Affairs Political Science MCC 106 3707 870-245-5167870-245-5167 reedd@obu.edu
BUETTNER, BAILEY Assistant Director Campus Ministries ESC 303 3783 870-245-5538870-245-5538 buettnerb@obu.edu
PIERCE, SAVANNAH Resident Director Student Development Gosser 3749 870-245-5220870-245-5220 pierces@obu.edu
SHEPHERD, LEWIS Vice President Comm/Intercultural Engagement LH 101 3790 870-245-5302870-245-5302 shepherdl@obu.edu
MILLS, JEWELIE Student Support Specialist Academic Success Center LH 122 3773 870-245-5275870-245-5275 millsj@obu.edu
JOHNSTON, BRUCE Visiting Assistant Professor/Int. Music Industry Chair Division of Music MFA 136 3748 870-245-5142870-245-5142 johnstonb@obu.edu
ANDERSON, TOMA Office Manager Academic Success Center LH 222 3773 870-245-5381870-245-5381 andersont@obu.edu
NYKOLAISHEN, DOUG Professor of Biblical Studies Biblical Studies BPBB213 3693 870-245-5337870-245-5337 nykolaishend@obu.edu
PEMBERTON, BARBARA Professor of Christian Missions/Dir. - Honors Program Christian Missions BPBB101 3718 870-245-5541870-245-5541 pembertonb@obu.edu
NUTT, DENNIS Head Coach Men's Basketball SPEC306 3651 870-245-5184870-245-5184 nuttd@obu.edu
SPEER, LISA Professor and University Archivist Library RHL 3742 870-245-5332870-245-5332 speerl@obu.edu
KNIGHT, CALEB Senior Admissions Counselor Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-4263870-245-4263 knightc@obu.edu
WATSON, DANIELLE Instructor Dietetics JSC 413 3769 870-245-5391870-245-5391 watsond@obu.edu
BURROUGHS, KEVIN Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 burroughsk@obu.edu
SMITH, MICHELLE Educational Advisor TRIO 870-245-5172870-245-5172 smithm@obu.edu
COX, JOHN Assoc. Prof. of Marketing/Jones Chair of Marketing School of Business HH 308 3740 870-245-5292870-245-5292 coxj@obu.edu
MCGEE, SUSAN Accompanist Division of Music MFA 311 3771 870-245-5102870-245-5102 mcgees@obu.edu
CRUTCHMER, KEVIN Head Coach Wrestling Hatcher 3732 870-245-5420870-245-5420 crutchmerk@obu.edu
FAUGHT, KENT Professor of Management/Heflin Chair of Business School of Business HH 314 3743 870-245-5204870-245-5204 faughtk@obu.edu
PURIFOY, LINDA Administrative Assistant TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5158870-245-5158 purifoyl@obu.edu
QUILLIN, RANDALL Assistant Director Facilities Management PP 3775 870-245-5189870-245-5189 quillinr@obu.edu
SCHULTZ, SAUNDRA Counselor Counseling Services ESC 137 3646 870-245-5591870-245-5591 schultzs@obu.edu
WEBB, PAULA Database Manager Development CB 340 3754 870-245-4270870-245-4270 webbp@obu.edu
SANCHEZ, ANDREW Athletic Assistant Soccer WFH 3666 870-245-5198870-245-5198 sancheza@obu.edu
HUGHES, ALLISON Instructor of Education Education MCC 302 3789 870-245-5153870-245-5153 hughesa@obu.edu
SMEAD, KEVIN Operations Engineer IT Services CB 250 3794 smeadk@obu.edu
RITCHIE, LISA Adjunct - Summer Dietetics 3769 ritchiel@obu.edu
WAGLEY, JULIE Post Office Post Office ESC BKS 870-245-5575870-245-5575 wagleyj@obu.edu
MCGOUGH, NICOLE Adjunct Academic Success Center LH 122 3779 870-245-5381870-245-5381 mcgoughn@obu.edu
WINK, JOHNNY Betty Burton Peck Professor of English Language & Literature LH 203 3667 870-245-5556870-245-5556 winkj@obu.edu
JONES, KIM Instructional Coordinator and Designer Ouachita Online CB 202 3745 870-245-5195870-245-5195 jonesk@obu.edu
BUNN, KELLY BETH Dining Services/Sodexo Commons 3733 870-245-5308870-245-5308 bunnk@obu.edu
WALLACE, HALLIE Instructor Kinesiology SPEC402 3656 870-245-5423870-245-5423 wallaceh@obu.edu
GRAYSON, LARRY Instructor; Dept. of Worship Studies Chair Division of Music MFA 203 3706 870-245-5518870-245-5518 graysonl@obu.edu
DARR, MADI Admissions Counselor Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-5098870-245-5098 darrm@obu.edu
JEFFUS, BRANDON Adjunct Instructor Natural Sciences JSC 100 3792 870-245-5238870-245-5238 jeffusb@obu.edu
BARNARD, JENNIFER Instructor of Psychology Psychology MCC208 3781 870-245-4005870-245-4005 barnardj@obu.edu
COVENTRY, DEBRA Professor of Mathematics Math JSC 318 3738 870-245-5596870-245-5596 coventryd@obu.edu
GRAY, TINA Accounts Receivable Business Services CB 140 3756 870-245-5185870-245-5185 grayt@obu.edu
GRAHAM, BEVERLY Adjunct - Online Applied Behavior Analysis CB 220 3792 870-245-5152870-245-5152 grahamb@obu.edu
KUYPER, CLARK Laboratory Manager, Ouachita Water Lab Natural Sciences JSC 007 3792 870-245-5080870-245-5080 kuyperc@obu.edu
HANNA, WILL Assistant Athletic Trainer Athletic Training SPEC202 3652 870-245-5285870-245-5285 hannaw@obu.edu
HUGHES, GAIL Professor; Dir. of Graduate Studies in Education Education MCC 305 3789 870-245-5429870-245-5429 hughesg@obu.edu
HORR, JULYSE Assistant Professor; Dir - ABA Program Applied Behavior Analysis CB 220 3792 870-245-4893870-245-4893 horrj@obu.edu
NORWOOD, JEFFREY Service Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 norwoodj@obu.edu
MCGARRAN, JUSTIN Chef Dining Services/Sodexo Commons 3733 870-245-5395870-245-5395 mcgarranj@obu.edu
WINDHAM, RANDY Certified Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 windhamr@obu.edu
MCCLURE, CAROLYN Adjunct Education MCC311 3789 870-245-5154870-245-5154 mcclurec@obu.edu
FITZSIMMONS, CHARLES Police Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 fitzsimmonsc@obu.edu
RIGSBY, MARLA Lead Instructional Designer; LMS Administrator IT Services CB 255 3794 870-245-5520870-245-5520 rigsbym@obu.edu
KOONCE, TOBI Assistant Coach Softball SPEC301 3684 870-245-5083870-245-5083 kooncet@obu.edu
MARTIN, JASON Adjunct Chemistry JSC 215 3792 870-245-5218870-245-5218 martinj@obu.edu
MONROE, SUSAN Accompanist Division of Music MFA 311 3771 870-245-5102870-245-5102 monroes@obu.edu
ROBERSON, CAREY Professor of Art and Design Art and Design MP 205 3785 870-245-4655870-245-4655 robersoncw@obu.edu
PITTMAN, JENNIFER Chair, Dept. Lang & Lit; Speer Writing Center Director Language & Literature LH 212 3645 870-245-5553870-245-5553 pittmanj@obu.edu
GILES, ASHLEE Director of Enrollment Initiatives Enrollment Initiatives CB 100 3776 870-245-5200870-245-5200 gilesa@obu.edu
WAGLEY, DUSTIN Director of Campus Ministries Campus Ministries ESC 303 3710 870-245-5537870-245-5537 wagleyd@obu.edu
MARTINEZ, RACHEL Office Manager Library RHL 3742 870-245-5428870-245-5428 martinezr@obu.edu
FAVAZZA, ALEX Director of Choral Activities; Assistant Prof. of Music Division of Music MFA 203 3771 870-245-5137870-245-5137 favazzaa@obu.edu
WHITE, ROBERT IT Operations Engineer IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-5367870-245-5367 whiterm@obu.edu
QUALLS, JESSICA Adjunct Academic Success Center quallsj@obu.edu
MOORE, BRANDON APMS ROTC SPEC303 3654 870-230-5444870-230-5444 mooreb@obu.edu
WALTERHOUSE, MICHELLE Adjunct Instructor Education MCC311 3789 870-515-9208870-515-9208 walterhousem@obu.edu
DUVALL, JUDY Director Elrod Center EC 3790 870-245-5320870-245-5320 duvallj@obu.edu
ROOT, JEFF Prof.-Communications/Dean-School of Humanities & Educ. Humanities LH 222 3759 870-245-4186870-245-4186 rootj@obu.edu
EUBANKS, AMY Lab Tech Natural Sciences JSC 121 3792 870-245-5229870-245-5229 eubanksa@obu.edu
PARKER, GAYLA Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 parkerg@obu.edu
KWEKEL, JOSHUA Assistant Professor Biology JSC 117 3792 870-245-5529870-245-5529 kwekelj@obu.edu
CLARK, SCOTT Assistant Chief Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 clarks@obu.edu
GILLILAND, JAMEY Graduate Enrollment Specialist Admissions Counseling CB 347 3776 870-245-5133870-245-5133 gillilandj@obu.edu
KIM, JEDUTHUN Assistant Professor Division of Music MFA 203 3644 870-245-4199870-245-4199 kimj@obu.edu
DUVALL, SCOTT Fuller Professor Biblical Studies Biblical Studies BBB 122 3731 870-245-5136870-245-5136 duvall@obu.edu
RICE, PHIL Professor of Business Administration School of Business HH 306 3765 870-245-5253870-245-5253 ricep@obu.edu
CURRY, JEANIE Assistant Professor of Accounting School of Business HH 312 3671 870-245-5248870-245-5248 curryj@obu.edu
GREENWICH, LYNDI Bridge Instructor Academic Success Center LH 122 3773 greenwichl@obu.edu
DERBY, JAY Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5313870-245-5313 derbyj@obu.edu
WATTS, PHYLLIS Adjunct Language & Literature LH 222 3759 870-245-5521870-245-5521 wattsp@obu.edu
MCKINNEY, LEIGH ANNE Associate Director Elrod Center EC 3790 870-87024553870-87024553 mckinneyl@obu.edu
WATSON, STEPHEN Adjunct - Christian Studies, Ouachita Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 watsons@obu.edu
OWENS, BECCA Adjunct Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-5599870-245-5599 owensb@obu.edu
SHARP, CARRIE Associate Professor of Education Education MCC 304 3789 870-245-5232870-245-5232 sharpc@obu.edu
FITZGERALD, JON General Manager Dining Services/Sodexo Commons 3733 870-245-5235870-245-5235 fitzgeraldj@obu.edu
ROBERTS, RACHEL Assistant in the President's Office President's Office CB 300 3753 870-245-5283870-245-5283 robertsr@obu.edu
BAUMGARDNER, DERYL Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 baumgardnerd@obu.edu
CAROZZA, CHARLES Adjunct Biology JSC 314 3792 870-245-5091870-245-5091 carozzac@obu.edu
POOLE, SUE Counselor Counseling Services ESC 137 3646 870-245-5591870-245-5591 poolesw@obu.edu
BURRIS, BAYLEE Assistant Athletic Trainer Athletic Training SPEC202 3652 870-245-5280870-245-5280 burrisb@obu.edu
WHITTEN, DWAYNE Adjunct School of Business CB 310 3779 870-245-5133870-245-5133 whittend@obu.edu
JONES, JULIA Adjunct Academic Success Center LH 207 3773 870-245-5381870-245-5381 jonesjk@obu.edu
LEWIS, MISSY Compliance Officer; Project Coor-IT Services IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-4564870-245-4564 lewism@obu.edu
LA MADRID, KRISTEN Coordinator of Accompanists Division of Music MFA 311 3771 870-245-5102870-245-5102 lamadridk@obu.edu
JONES, ADAM Assistant Professor Biblical Studies BPBB132 3787 870-245-5372870-245-5372 jonesa@obu.edu
COX, TERESE Lecturer in Christian Studies Christian Studies BPBB101 3787 870-245-4888870-245-4888 coxt@obu.edu
FRIZZELL, ALLISON Head Coach Volleyball SPEC301 3673 870-2454287870-2454287 frizzella@obu.edu
LEWIS, RYAN Professor Division of Music MFA 205 3670 870-245-5421870-245-5421 lewisr@obu.edu
WILSON, DAKOTA Director of Athletic Performance Athletic Performance ACFH 3768 870-245-5306870-245-5306 wilsond@obu.edu
JOHNSTON, DAVID Adjunct Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-5599870-245-5599 johnstond@obu.edu
HILL, JOHN Sr. Programmer/Analyst IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-4554870-245-4554 hillj@obu.edu
SEALS, KRISTI Student Support Specialist; Cheer Coach Academic Success Center LH 122 3773 870-245-5326870-245-5326 sealsk@obu.edu
AIPPERSPACH, IAN Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 209 3727 870-245-5134870-245-5134 aipperspachi@obu.edu
CHUNG, MARY Associate Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 307 3638 870-245-5132870-245-5132 chungm@obu.edu
KNIGHT, TIM Professor of Biology/Dean-School of Nat. Sciences Biology JSC 109 3792 870-245-5528870-245-5528 knightt@obu.edu
FORKNER, JOHN Assistant Professor of Theatre Arts Theatre Arts JPAC101 3767 870-245-5561870-245-5561 forknerj@obu.edu
EASTER, ROXANNE Assistant Director International Education LH 106 3777 870-245-5224870-245-5224 easterr@obu.edu
HARDAGE, REAGAN Instructor Kinesiology SPEC402 3791 870-245-5247870-245-5247 hardager@obu.edu
THAYER, HEATHER Adjunct Instructor Division of Music MFA 107 3771 870-245-5129870-245-5129 thayerh@obu.edu
STALEY, PATRICIA Graduate Enrollment Specialist Admissions Counseling CB 348 3776 870-245-5099870-245-5099 staleyp@obu.edu
KLUCK, WESLEY University Physician Health Services ESC 310 3687 870-245-5222870-245-5222 kluckw@obu.edu
SMITH, ANNA Instructor Biology JSC 006 3792 870-245-4185870-245-4185 smitha@obu.edu
CURLIN, JAY Kathryn Maddox Professor of English Language & Literature LH 201 3751 870-245-5550870-245-5550 curlinj@obu.edu
BARRETT, TAMRA Adjunct Criminal Justice MCC 110 3770 870-245-5515870-245-5515 barrettt@obu.edu
SCHLEIFF, ANGIE Work Study Payroll Specialist & Benefits Assistant Human Resources CB 330 3772 870-245-5410870-245-5410 schleiffa@obu.edu
MATROS, KAREN Director Student Financial Services CB 130 3774 870-245-5573870-245-5573 matrosk@obu.edu
HUNTER, SETH Safety Officer Safety & Emergency Management hunters@obu.edu
REDMON, CHRIS Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 redmonc@obu.edu
HUNEYCUTT, LAURIE J. Administrative Assistant School of Performing Arts MFA 204 3771 870-245-5129870-245-5129 huneycuttl@obu.edu
TAYLOR, CAROLINE Dean - Fine Arts/Professor School of Performing Arts MFA 110 3771 870-245-5139870-245-5139 taylorc@obu.edu
FOWLER, MELINDA Programmer IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-5317870-245-5317 fowlerm@obu.edu
GREER, MERRILEE Administrative/Clinical Assistant Health Services ESC 210 3687 870-245-5433870-245-5433 greerm@obu.edu
SHAW, JESSICA Office Manager/Student Accounts Specialist Student Financial Services CB130 3774 870-245-4284870-245-4284 shawj@obu.edu
KYZER, HOLLY Assistant Professor & MS/DI Director Dietetics JSC414 3769 870-245-5546870-245-5546 kyzerh@obu.edu
TURNER, CHRIS Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 turnerc@obu.edu
CASTRO, JIMMY Operations and Support Lead IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-4562870-245-4562 castroj@obu.edu
HIBBARD, OLIVIA Technical Director/Production Manager Division of Music hibbardo@obu.edu
HUBBARD, SARA Professor of Chemistry Chemistry JSC 214 3664 870-245-5533870-245-5533 hubbards@obu.edu
GREEN, ELIZABETH Professor of Sociology Sociology MCC 112 3770 870-245-5516870-245-5516 greene@obu.edu
MILLER, JOSHUA Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5310870-245-5310 millerj@obu.edu
CLAY, KRISTI Director - Business Services Business Services CB 140 3756 870-245-5417870-245-5417 clayk@obu.edu
BROWN, DAVE Assistant Coach Baseball ACFH 3635 870-245-4255870-245-4255 brownd@obu.edu
BRUNE, CHRIS Professor of Finance; Geo. Young Chair of Bus School of Business HH 307 3658 870-245-4293870-245-4293 brunec@obu.edu
TAYLOR, JAMES Assistant to the President for Communications Communications & Marketing Lile335 3783 870-245-5228870-245-5228 taylorja@obu.edu
COPELAND, DONNIE Professor & Chair - Rosemary Adams Dept. of Art & Design Art and Design MP 225 3785 870-245-5559870-245-5559 copelandd@obu.edu
CHASTAIN, DANIEL Graduate Assistant Strength & Conditioning Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5314870-245-5314 chastaind@obu.edu
HUGHES, JONATHAN Director Facilities Management PP 3775 870-245-5348870-245-5348 hughesj@obu.edu
WEST, DELYNNE Adjunct Division of Music MFA 405 3771 870-245-4197870-245-4197 westd@obu.edu
CALHOON, TOM Adjunct - Real Estate School of Business HH 305 3765 870-245-5201870-245-5201 calhoont@obu.edu
MICHAEL, ALINA Field Coordinator; Adjunct Applied Behavior Analysis CB 220 3792 870-245-4883870-245-4883 michaela@obu.edu
OVERBEY, SARAH Assistant Professor of Nursing Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-4872870-245-4872 overbeys@obu.edu
BETTIS, MITCH Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 bettism@obu.edu
CORNELIUS, KEVIN Professor of Physics Physics JSC 316 3764 870-245-5407870-245-5407 corneliusk@obu.edu
BIRCH, NICOLAI PMS ROTC SPEC303 3654 870-230-5807870-230-5807 birchn@obu.edu
FLANAGAN, CRAIG MSI ROTC SPEC303 3654 870-230-5042870-230-5042 flanaganc@obu.edu
KUHN, SHERRY Senior Cash Manager/Grant Specialist Business Services CB 140 3756 870-245-5586870-245-5586 kuhns@obu.edu
MINTON, ELAINE Administrative Assistant Natural Sciences JSC 100 3792 870-245-5238870-245-5238 mintone@obu.edu
SELLS, BEN President President's Office CB 300 3753 870-245-5400870-245-5400 sellsb@obu.edu
LOCK, VICKY Accounts Payable Clerk Business Services CB 140 3756 870-245-5508870-245-5508 lockv@obu.edu
JONES, WHIT Athletic Assistant Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5311870-245-5311 joneswc@obu.edu
SCOTT, HUNTER Athletic Assistant Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5314870-245-5314 scotth@obu.edu
ROUSSEL, ANNA Director of Alumni Relations and OSF Alumni LH327 3761 870-245-4897870-245-4897 roussela@obu.edu
FOSHEE, MEGAN Assistant Professor; Coor.-Nursing Simulation Lab Nursing NEC 3700 fosheem@obu.edu
TURNER, MALLORY Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 turnerm@obu.edu
JOHNSON, JACOB Athletic Assistant Athletic Performance ACFH 3768 johnsonj@obu.edu
CARTER, TERRENCE Director of Upward Bound & Director of TRIO Programs TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5158870-245-5158 carterts@obu.edu
JACKSON, JEFF Head Coach Softball SPEC301 3684 870-245-5083870-245-5083 jacksonj@obu.edu
PRITCHARD, IRIS Administrative Assistant Dining Services/Sodexo Commons 3733 870-245-5394870-245-5394 pritchardi@obu.edu
BELL, TRACY Associate Professor Psychology MCC210 3781 870-245-4004870-245-4004 bellt@obu.edu
ANDRUS, THOMAS School of Business HH 104B 3765 870-5250870-5250 andrust@obu.edu
DODSON, NICOLE Safety Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 dodsonn@obu.edu
TOLBERT, GINA Assistant Director, Student Financial Aid Student Financial Services CB 130 3774 870-245-4894870-245-4894 tolbertg@obu.edu
WARREN, SUSAN Senior Director of Donor Engagement Development CB 340 3754 870-245-5390870-245-5390 warrens@obu.edu
TATUM, DAVID Assistant Professor MFA 109 3771 870-245-5143870-245-5143 tatumd@obu.edu
PHILLIPS, ERIC Professor; Dept. of Theatre Arts Chair Theatre Arts JPAC100 3767 870-245-5562870-245-5562 phillipse@obu.edu
BASS, HAL Professor Emeritus of Political Science Political Science MCC 103 3737 870-245-5361870-245-5361 bassh@obu.edu
GUYMON, STEVE Head Coach Cross Country/Track SPEC301 3697 870-245-4305870-245-4305 guymons@obu.edu
DOUGLASS, MATT Asst. Prof./Asst. to VP for Acad. Affairs/IR Analyst Academic Affairs CB 200 3764 870-245-5300870-245-5300 douglassm@obu.edu
WALLACE, MOLLY Registered Nurse/Director Health Services ESC 210 3687 870-245-5244870-245-5244 wallacem@obu.edu
HOLSCLAW, SCOTT Adjunct - Theatre Arts Theatre Arts JPAC101 3767 870-245-5562870-245-5562 holsclaws@obu.edu
GARRETT, MARGARET Professor/Interim Vocal Coordinator Division of Music MFA 409 3648 870-245-5271870-245-5271 garrettm@obu.edu
JOHNSON, JEREMIAH Volunteer Football ACFH 3768 johnsonje@obu.edu
KNIGHT, SPENCER Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-4152870-245-4152 knights@obu.edu
CRAFT, RACE IT Services IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-5369870-245-5369 craftr@obu.edu
PANNELL, MIKE Instructor of Engineering Engineering 870-245-5416870-245-5416 pannellm@obu.edu
GONZALEZ, STEVEN Assistant Professor Applied Behavior Analysis CB 220 3792 870-245-4882870-245-4882 gonzalezs@obu.edu
HOWERTON, DAVID Safety Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 howertond@obu.edu
KNIGHT, ASHLEY Assistant Professor Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-5389870-245-5389 knighta@obu.edu
GRAVES, CLAIRE Transcript & Data Specialist Registrar's Office CB 210 3757 870-245-4298870-245-4298 gravesc@obu.edu
CAMPBELL, KAITLYN Admissions Counselor Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-5399870-245-5399 campbellk@obu.edu
THOMPSON, ROY Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5309870-245-5309 thompsonr@obu.edu
SYKES, JEFF Professor of Mathematics Math JSC 319 3784 870-245-5328870-245-5328 sykesj@obu.edu
TURNAGE, CHRIS Adjunct School of Business HH104B 3765 870-245-5250870-245-5250 turnagec@obu.edu
DERBY, SUSAN Academic Adviser School of Business HH 311 3765 870-245-5252870-245-5252 derbys@obu.edu
HOWARD, MALLORIE Graphic Designer Communications & Marketing LH 331 3761 870-245-4895870-245-4895 howardm@obu.edu
BOYSEN, GUNNAR Adjunct Chemistry JSC215 3726 870-5218870-5218 boyseng@obu.edu
WINTERS, JOEL Chapel Music Coordinator Division of Music MFA 107 3771 870-245-5129870-245-5129 wintersj@obu.edu
GREER, JEREMY Dean; Associate Professor Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-4899870-245-4899 greerj@obu.edu
FOWLER, PATRICIA Administrative Assistant Christian Studies BPBB127 3787 870-245-5599870-245-5599 fowlerp@obu.edu
HOWERTON, CHASE Area Coordinator for Ouachita Apartments Student Development ESC220 3758 870-245-5220870-245-5220 howertonc@obu.edu
TOLLETT, BRANDON Director Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4258870-245-4258 tollettb@obu.edu
AFSORDEH, DANIELLE Adjunct - Online/PUHI Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 afsordehd@obu.edu
COX, MICHAEL Associate Professor Biblical Studies BBPB208 3787 870-245-4887870-245-4887 coxm@obu.edu
UTTER, BENJAMIN Associate Professor of English Language & Literature LH 202 3694 870-245-5501870-245-5501 utterb@obu.edu
SHOCKLEY, BRETT Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5307870-245-5307 shockleyb@obu.edu
SEATON, SHANE Director Recreational Life ESC 3659 870-245-5268870-245-5268 seatons@obu.edu
WEBB, JOHNNY Resident Director; Asst. Dir - Rec. Life Student Development FP 3653 870-245-5220870-245-5220 webbj@obu.edu
ALLISON, JUSTIN Assistant Professor Christian Studies BPBB208 3787 870-245-5557870-245-5557 allisonj@obu.edu
HORTON, MARSHALL Regions Bank Professor of Economics & Finance School of Business HH 316 3686 870-245-5257870-245-5257 hortonm@obu.edu
WEBB, JUSTIN Resident Director - OC Bailey Hall Student Development OCB 3642 870-245-5220870-245-5220 webbjm@obu.edu
MURPHREE, PRICE Gifts and Strategic Projects Officer Development CB 340 3754 870-245-4280870-245-4280 murphreep@obu.edu
REYNA, NATHAN Professor of Biology Biology JSC 115 3792 870-245-5240870-245-5240 reynan@obu.edu
LAWSON, TAYLOR Archival Assistant Library RHL 3742 870-245-5342870-245-5342 lawsont@obu.edu
MONTGOMERY, MADISON Assistant Athletic Trainer Athletic Training SPEC202 3652 870-245-5206870-245-5206 montgomerym@obu.edu
EUBANKS, BYRON Professor of Philosophy/Dir. Center for Integrity Philosophy BPBB215 3709 870-245-5521870-245-5521 eubanks@obu.edu
PULLANO, JASON Adjunct Graduate & Online Education CB 310 3779 870-245-5133870-245-5133 pullanoj@obu.edu
CARRILLO, FERNANDA Campus Visit Coordinator Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-5110870-245-5110 carrillof@obu.edu
HARDAGE, JANA Director of Human Resources Human Resources CB 330 3772 870-245-5583870-245-5583 hardagej@obu.edu
WILLIAMS, GRANT Sergeant; Police and Security Supervisor Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 williamsg@obu.edu
THOMASON, STEVEN Adjunct Political Science thomasons@obu.edu
BRYEN, KANE Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-4154870-245-4154 bryenk@obu.edu
LITTLEFIELD, LINDA Assistant Professor of Counseling Counseling MCC200 3781 870-245-5168870-245-5168 littlefieldl@obu.edu
RIGSBY, MALCOLM Professor; Coordinator of Criminal Justice Programs Criminal Justice MCC 110 3770 870-245-5515870-245-5515 rigsbyml@obu.edu
RANKIN, RUSSELL Adjunct Instructor Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 rankinr@obu.edu
SHEPHERD, LORETTA BBA Employee - Post Office Post Office ESC PO 870-245-5575870-245-5575 shepherdls@obu.edu
DAVIS, JEFFREY Resident Director Student Development Anthony 3758 davisj@obu.edu
OWENS, OLIVIA Assistant Professor of Chemistry Chemistry JSC 216 3792 870-245-5236870-245-5236 owenso@obu.edu
BRASWELL, JEANETTE Associate Professor Psychology MCC212 3781 870-245-5442870-245-5442 braswellj@obu.edu
GOODMAN, GABE Financial Aid and Loan Counselor Student Financial Services CB 130 3774 870-245-4282870-245-4282 goodmang@obu.edu
PENNINGTON, RONNA Bridge instructor Academic Success Center LH 122 3773 870-245-4286870-245-4286 penningr@obu.edu
WILSON, DAVID Adjunct - Online Grad. Education Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 wilsonda@obu.edu
CLEMMONS, ROSEMARY Service Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 clemmonsr@obu.edu
MORGAN, APRIL Assistant Professor Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-4874870-245-4874 morgana@obu.edu
CURRY, HILDA Office Manager Student Development ESC 220 3758 870-245-5220870-245-5220 curryh@obu.edu
MOTL, LORI Director Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-4264870-245-4264 motll@obu.edu
PIERCE, BRAD Lecturer Department of Communications LH 233 3680 870-245-5574870-245-5574 pierceb@obu.edu
WALLACE, MALLORY Resident Director - Frances Crawford Hall Student Development FCE 3675 870-245-5220870-245-5220 wallacemf@obu.edu
POOL, RACHEL W. Associate Professor of Education/Dean School of Educatio Education MCC 301 3789 870-245-5162870-245-5162 poolr@obu.edu
OVERTURF, MITZI Guest Experience Coordinator Admissions Counseling CB 100 3776 870-245-5116870-245-5116 overturfm@obu.edu
CLARK, LANNA Payroll & Benefits Specialist Human Resources CB 330 3772 870-245-5585870-245-5585 clarklm@obu.edu
THOMPSON, ANDREW Safety Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 thompsona@obu.edu
ROBERSON, CARRIE Director of Development Development CB 340 3754 870-245-4278870-245-4278 robersonc@obu.edu
ROOT, DEBORAH Prof.-Communications/Dir.-Assessment & Inst. Research Department of Communications LH 225 3759 870-245-5510870-245-5510 rootd@obu.edu
JARBOE, DAN Coor. of University Counseling Ctr. &ADA/504 Coor. Counseling Services ESC 137 3758 870-245-5591870-245-5591 jarboed@obu.edu
REED, MARGARET Professor/Periodicals & Electronic Res. Librarian Library RHL 3742 870-245-5125870-245-5125 reedm@obu.edu
BOSTICK, STEVEN Head Men's & Women's Swimming/Diving Coach Swimming SPEC301 3741 870-245-4169870-245-4169 bosticks@obu.edu
BRANCH, MATTHEW Assistant Director of Athletic Communications Athletic Communications SPEC302 3788 870-245-4999870-245-4999 branchm@obu.edu
DAVIS, VICKIE Custodial Supervisor Facilities Management PP 3775 870-245-4891870-245-4891 davisv@obu.edu
ALEXANDER, TAMMY Office Manager School of Business HH 104B 3765 870-245-5250870-245-5250 alexandert@obu.edu
ERIKSSON, JOHAN Visiting Instructor/Dir -Entrepreneurship Program School of Business HH 310 3739 870-245-5071870-245-5071 erikssonj@obu.edu
NELSON, TERRY Educational Advisor TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5175870-245-5175 nelsont@obu.edu
ROBERSON, BROOKE Admissions Counselor Admissions Counseling CB100 3776 870-245-5398870-245-5398 robersonb@obu.edu
ROGERS, LYDIA Asst. Athletic Dir. for Compliance; Senior Woman Admin. Athletics SPEC302 3724 870-245-5397870-245-5397 rogersl@obu.edu
PEEPLES, TERRY Vice President for Development Development CB 340 3754 870-245-5169870-245-5169 peeplest@obu.edu
KIM, SUZIE Senior Financial Analyst/Accountant Business Services CB 140 3756 870-245-5582870-245-5582 kims@obu.edu
KNIGHT, TODD Head Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5314870-245-5314 knighttf@obu.edu
GILLILAND, SANDRA Prof. of Counseling/Dir. Mental Health Counseling Prog. Department of Counseling MCC214 3701 870-245-5103870-245-5103 gillilands@obu.edu
HARRELL, NANCY Administrative Assistant Academic Affairs CB 200 3755 870-245-5196870-245-5196 harrelln@obu.edu
SESSER, DAVID Adjunct - Public History History sesserd@obu.edu
KRATZ, RICHARD Volunteer Cross Country/Track SPEC301 3697 kratzr@obu.edu
RUNYAN, DIANE Administrative Assistant Elrod Center EC 3790 870-245-5320870-245-5320 runyand@obu.edu
DAVIS, DARRELL Athletic Assistant Volleyball SPEC301 3673 870-245-4287870-245-4287 davisd@obu.edu
PRITCHARD, TARA Administrative Assistant Social Sciences mcc 200 3781 870-245-5168870-245-5168 pritchardt@obu.edu
SHARP, DAVID Director of Athletics Athletics SPEC302 3788 870-245-5181870-245-5181 sharpd@obu.edu
ODEN, HANNAH Adjunct Math JSC 319 3784 870-245-5328870-245-5328 odenh@obu.edu
KELLEY, JONATHAN Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 kelleyj@obu.edu
TAYLOR, JIM Professor of Biology Biology JSC 114 3792 870-245-5531870-245-5531 taylorj@obu.edu
MORTENSON, AUTUMN Associate Professor in Circulation/Reference Library RHL 3742 870-02455123870-02455123 mortensona@obu.edu
WEST, SARA Program Assistant Alumni CB 100 3762 870-245-5572870-245-5572 wests@obu.edu
BRENNAN, KEVIN Professor of Political Science Political Science MCC 107 3674 870-245-5346870-245-5346 brennank@obu.edu
JONES, TERESA Adminstrative Assistant TRIO LH 140 3766 870-245-5158870-245-5158 jonest@obu.edu
HILLIARD, LIBBY Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 hilliardl@obu.edu
JOBE, KYLE Athletic Assistant Soccer WFH 3666 870-245-5198870-245-5198 jobek@obu.edu
BECKWITH, HARRELL Stockroom Clerk Natural Sciences JSC 224 3747 870-245-5239870-245-5239 beckwithh@obu.edu
PHILLIPS, CINDY Music Librarian Division of Music MFA 205 3771 870-245-5176870-245-5176 phillipsc@obu.edu
AIPPERSPACH, CANDICE Associate Professor Division of Music MFA 115 3727 870-245-5131870-245-5131 aipperspachc@obu.edu
CARTER, JACKSON Assistant Professor of Communications Department of Communications LH 236 3729 870-245-5434870-245-5434 carterj@obu.edu
BARNES, TAMMY S. Administrative Assistant Education MCC311 3789 870-245-5154870-245-5154 barnest@obu.edu
POOLE, STAN Anthony Professor of Bible & the Humanities Language & Literature LH 205 3650 870-245-4261870-245-4261 pooles@obu.edu
PLYMALE, RUTH Professor; J. D. Patterson Chair of Biology Biology JSC 113 3792 870-245-5081870-245-5081 plymaler@obu.edu
BABB, CHRIS Instructor/Director of Sports Media Productions Department of Communications LH 238 3759 870-245-5207870-245-5207 babbc@obu.edu
WILLIAMS, FERRIS Associate Professor Art and Design MP 214 3785 870-245-5565870-245-5565 williamsf@obu.edu
BUSCHER, DARIN G. Assistant Professor of Mathematics Math JSC 321 3662 870-245-5511870-245-5511 buscherd@obu.edu
MADDOX, JENNIFER Adjunct Theatre Arts MFA 125 3767 870-245-5561870-245-5561 maddoxj@obu.edu
MITCHELL, JENNIFER Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 309 3771 870-245-5146870-245-5146 mitchellj@obu.edu
ARGO, CHRISTINA University Counselor Counseling Services argoc@obu.edu
CAPELL, SHAWN Adjunct Instructor-ABA Applied Behavior Analysis JSC 100 3792 870-245-5238870-245-5238 capells@obu.edu
LEAGANS, ELLIS Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 leaganse@obu.edu
MARTINEZ, REBECCA Administrative Assistant Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-5558870-245-5558 martinezre@obu.edu
WHITE, EMILY Resident Director Maddox Hall Student Development MH 3692 870-245-5220870-245-5220 whitee@obu.edu
EVANS, JODY Officer Safety & Emergency Management ESC 131 3760 870-245-4000870-245-4000 evansj@obu.edu
CARTER, TERRY Vaught Prof. of Christian Ministries/Dir - Horne Ctr. Christian Ministries BPBB124 3683 870-245-5147870-245-5147 cartert@obu.edu
BEIGHTS, REBECCA Adjunct Applied Behavior Analysis beightsr@obu.edu
PHELPS, BILL Chief Information Officer Emeriti IT Services CB 250 3794 870-245-4552870-245-4552 phelpswr@obu.edu
BRADLEY, EMILY Adjunct Language & Literature LH 212 3645 870-245-5553870-245-5553 bradleye@obu.edu
HARRIS, ASHLEIGH Assistant Athletic Director for Athletic Training Athletic Training ACFH 3652 870-245-5406870-245-5406 harrisa@obu.edu
FELLER, CARLOS Assistant Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 407 3714 870-245-4160870-245-4160 fellerc@obu.edu
PUMPHREY, NORM Professor Engineering JSC 317 3764 870-245-5418870-245-5418 pumphreyn@obu.edu
THORNTON, TARA Adjunct - Online Ouachita Online CB 349 3745 870-245-5133870-245-5133 thorntont@obu.edu
CONE, ELISHA Assistant Professor of Nursing Nursing NEC 3700 870-245-4873870-245-4873 conee@obu.edu
HARDIN, JUSTIN Vice President for Academic Affairs Academic Affairs CB 200 3755 870-245-4260870-245-4260 hardinj@obu.edu
CARSON, BRADY Assistant Coach Football ACFH 3768 870-245-5309870-245-5309 carsonb@obu.edu
NESBITT, BLAKE Staff Sergeant ROTC nesbittb@obu.edu
PRITCHARD, MICHAEL Painter/Carpenter Supervisor Facilities Management PP 3775 870-245-4189870-245-4189 pritchardm@obu.edu
HOLIFIELD, WES Head Coach - Men's Soccer Soccer WFH 3666 870-245-5198870-245-5198 holifieldw@obu.edu
HANNA, BROOK Assistant Director Student Life ESC 3793 870-245-5539870-245-5539 hannab@obu.edu
BATSON, JILL Lecturer; Administrative Support for Dean of Humanities Humanities LH 222 3759 870-245-5522870-245-5522 batsonj@obu.edu
WU, ANPING Professor, Director of Library Services Library RHL 3742 870-245-5115870-245-5115 wua@obu.edu
RIPPEY, MATTHEW Athletic Assistant Athletic Performance rippeym@obu.edu
HOUSER, MYRA Chair of the Dept. of History/Associate Prof. of History History LH 303 3744 870-245-5547870-245-5547 houserm@obu.edu
STRINGFIELD, RASHARD Athletic Assistant Men's Basketball 3651 stringfieldr@obu.edu
MAXEY, SASHA Theatre Shop Assistant Theatre Arts JPAC100 3767 870-245-5562870-245-5562 maxeys@obu.edu
ASH, KYLE Assistant Coach Wrestling Hatcher 3732 870-245-5420870-245-5420 ashk@obu.edu
CRUTCHER, NATILAN Visiting Assistant Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 201 3702 870-245-5144870-245-5144 crutchern@obu.edu
WESSON, HALEY JO Instructor Communication Disorders MP 111 3763 870-245-4590870-245-4590 wessonh@obu.edu
MCKINNEY, BRYAN T Professor of Bus. Law/Gen. Counsel/Dean-Bus. School School of Business HH 104C 3765 870-245-5513870-245-5513 mckinneyb@obu.edu
CAI, LEI Professor Division of Music MFA 305 3643 870-245-5140870-245-5140 leic@obu.edu
FORTHMAN, JENNIFER BBA Employee - Bookstore Bookstore ESC BKS 3778 870-245-5298870-245-5298 forthmanj@obu.edu
SMITH, SARAH Assistant Professor Language & Literature LH 208 3694 870-245-5336870-245-5336 smiths@obu.edu
HIGGINBOTHAM, BRANDI Assistant Coach Women's Basketball Women's Basketball SPEC 3691 870-245-5296870-245-5296 higginbothamb@obu.edu
HERRINGTON, DAN Adjunct Instructor School of Business HH104B 3765 870-245-5250870-245-5250 herringd@obu.edu
ZIMNY, RENE Adjunct Instructor Art and Design LH 222 3785 870-245-5559870-245-5559 zimnyr@obu.edu
FREEMAN, STACY Associate Professor Dietetics JSC 415 3769 870-245-5542870-245-5542 freemans@obu.edu
PRUETT, CHRISTIN Associate Professor Biology JSC 117 3792 870-245-4187870-245-4187 pruettc@obu.edu
MAXWELL, CASSI Student Support Specialist Academic Success Center LH 122 3773 870-245-4286870-245-4286 maxwellc@obu.edu
GHRAYEB, ANDREW Adjunct Instructor Division of Music MFS 107 3771 870-245-5129870-245-5129 ghrayeba@obu.edu
JONES, REBECCA Professor; Oral Communication Program Administrator Department of Communications LH 227 3715 870-245-5396870-245-5396 jonesr@obu.edu
PONDER, PAT Assistant Coach Cross Country/Track SPEC301 3697 870-245-4315870-245-4315 ponderp@obu.edu
CARVAJAL, JERUSA Associate Professor of Spanish Language & Literature LH 206 3703 870-245-5287870-245-5287 carvajalj@obu.edu
BELL, STEPHEN Professor Psychology MCC209 3781 870-245-4003870-245-4003 bells@obu.edu
TALHELM, PAIGE Adjunct Instructor-ABA Applied Behavior Analysis JSC 412 3769 870-245-5543870-245-5543 talhelmp@obu.edu
MOTL, KEVIN Dean - Soc. Sci./Professor Social Sciences MCC200 3781 870-245-5512870-245-5512 motlk@obu.edu
STOUGH, JULIE Lecturer; Dir-Student Teaching & Teacher Licensure Off. Education MCC303 3789 870-245-5163870-245-5163 stoughj@obu.edu
ROUDKOVSKI, KAREN Assistant Professor of Counseling Psychology MCC200 3781 870-245-5168870-245-5168 roudkovski@obu.edu
HOULIHAN, PATRICK Addie Mae Maddox Professor of Music Division of Music MFA 403 3713 870-245-5130870-245-5130 houlihanp@obu.edu
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